Table of Contents

Install docker (optional)

This step is needed only when you don't have Docker installed yet.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install

Add user (optional)

Create the user "graphlytic" and add it to the docker group. It is not recommended to create and run the Graphlytic docker container with the root user. It may cause problems with files created by the docker process.

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash graphlytic
sudo usermod -aG docker graphlytic

Switch the user to "graphlytic".

sudo su graphlytic
cd ~

Get the Dockerfile and basic structure

As a first step, you need to create a directory structure where the docker image will be built.

Go to the directory where you want to place the application files and run:

git clone
cd graphlytic-docker

Configure the application using environment variables in the Dockerfile (optional)

Configure Neo4j connection

This is an optional step that can be used when you want to set some of the application configurations prior to running the container. It's used mainly in automated environments. For the list of all configurations that can be set this way please refer to Configuration.

For instance to set the Neo4j connection go to graphlytic-docker directory and edit the Dockerfile file (you can set the connection also later, in the application's Setting section). There are several properties regarding the Neo4j connection. Please change these values according to your Neo4j location:

ENV NEO4J_CONNECTOR_BOLT=bolt://localhost:7687

If the Neo4j database is running on your machine together with the Graphlytic docker container, try to set NEO4J_CONNECTOR_BOLT to:

Configure custom SSL keystore

Firstly make sure, you have a keystore file containing the desired certificate (e.g. ./keystore/graphlytic-keystore.jks). More information about adding a certificate to a keystore can be found here: How to install HTTPS Certificate.

It is possible to configure SSL context with these environment variables (examples below):

ENV SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE=/usr/share/graphlytic/keystore/graphlytic-keystore.jks
ENV SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE=/usr/share/graphlytic/keystore/graphlytic-keystore.jks

In order to use a custom keystore, it needs to be mounted in a volume. To achieve this, use the docker command -v, for example: 

docker run -tid --name graphlytic -v "$(pwd)"/keystore/:/usr/share/graphlytic/keystore -v "$(pwd)"/volume/:/usr/share/graphlytic/volume -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 graphlytic

which mounts ./keystore folder into /usr/share/graphlytic/keystore, which contains our graphlytic-keystore.jks, mentioned in the environment variables above.

Build the docker image

Fetch the latest GL version

docker pull demtec/graphlytic:latest

Build your local image with this command:

docker build -t graphlytic .

Run the docker container

Create and run the docker container.

docker run -tid --name graphlytic -v "$(pwd)"/volume/:/usr/share/graphlytic/volume -p 8080:8080 graphlytic

It can last up to several minutes for the docker container and the application to be fully ready.

Stop the docker container

docker stop graphlytic

Start the docker container

docker start graphlytic

Log into the application

When the application is fully started you should be able to log in using the Login with default user manual.